
Port of Zadar



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The inhabitants of Zadar proudly call their city: “Najlipši grad na svitu” (“The most beautiful city in the world”). The former capital of Dalmatia is situated on a peninsula bordered by two “Rivas”. The side facing the mainland is simply called “Riva” – here ferries and passenger ships anchor and fishermen bring their catch ashore every morning. On the other side, facing the island, lays the “New Riva” – the perfect setting to stroll along the waterfront, where lovers meet for their rendezvous; since a few years, it is the only place in the world, where you can listen to the unique melodies of the Sea Organs. Embedded between the Rivas, you will discover one of the most beautiful old towns in Dalmatia. The traffic-free main street (called “Kalelarga”), with its boutiques and cafes, is the lifeline of the city. On both sides of the street, you will find picturesque alleys in which the “Klapa” intone their songs of sheer joy. Magnificent historical buildings, such as the circular church of St. Donat, the Cathedral of Sveta Stošija, the Roman Forum and many other fascinating places are waiting to be discovered!


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Port of Zadar - Northern Dalmatia